Hiring a proven and reputable company to handle your estate sale is an effective method for promoting it. Our estate sale company is capable of handling all of the aspects of your estate sale completely, from the beginning until completion, however, even with our extensive and useful advertising, there are still simple things that you can do to promote your sale as well.
Do The Things That You Already Do On A Daily Basis To Advertise
In today’s technological age, our phones, tablets, watches, and laptops often seem to be attached to our body in one way or another. Sometimes, these can pose a distraction to our daily routine, but we just can not seem to get enough of them. Since you are likely going to be already using a form of social media to keep up with everyone’s daily activities, use your account to promote your estate sale. It does not necessarily have to be an extensive post, a direct and to the point, promotion can easily bring more shoppers to your sale. Make sure to include the date, time, and location for optimal results.
Word of mouth advertising is another great way that you and your friends can help promote your sale. On our way to work we often stop for coffee, breakfast, gas, and a variety of other items. We talk and communicate with a vast amount of people in any given day, so by simply incorporating pertinent information into the conversation, you can reach a larger audience, hopefully resulting in an even bigger turn out to your estate sale than what was originally anticipated.
Use your giant contact list to your advantage. Much like followers on your social media accounts, you also have followers in your contact list on your phone. Consider sending out a mass email or text to get even more people to come to your sale. Close friends and relatives may already be attending, but others need to be made aware so that they can come too. This can be done in mere minutes and is a simple technique for you to strum up business.
We are capable and prepared to help you achieve a good turn out at your estate sale. Contact us today at (818) 206-8565.